Energy Saving Solutions – Passive: Higher-tech Roof System

This is a system we hope to try some day for a client that is a bit more progressive thinking.  We got it approved by our local building authority a few years ago now but the owners backed out due to the increased cost of the system.

ORNL roof system - Energy Saving soltuions

Oak Ridge National Lab’s roof system

And, this is from a News Release dated September 10, 2012:
Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Roof & Attic Design

Though the energy saving system is not really new, it definitely has a newer techno-look to it, and it can be retrofitted to many other homes than what is practical with the double-shell system of the older article.

From our Articles & Tips page you can find a video by the research scientist that did the testing.

One question that comes to my mind is: How do you go about maintaining and cleaning the spaces that you can’t get to after the construction is completed?  I’m seeing a new ‘niche market’ here . . . anyone?

More Energy Saving Solutions Coming!