The crew was working recently on an exterior remodel and pest repair project . . . a beautiful setting to work in. It’s well hidden in the woods of a nearby valley. At times like these we often run into creatures that provide some learning and just a quick break from the work to observe them in their efforts to relocate to new ‘digs’. In getting the work ready for the necessary repairs this little creature showed up. They’re not uncommon in this area, and often surface when we are moving debris around, or scooping it into the trailer to haul away.
We’ve seen large bucks, many fawns and does, turkeys, foxes, opossums and a nesting dove, besides the usual creatures we encounter: rats, mice, termites, beetles, ants, yellow jackets, hornets and such.
This dove stayed on her eggs until at least 2 hatched and (we assume) flew away one day. Surprising as she had nested just a few feet outside of the door we used to a kitchen remodel. Below her we had set up our cutting station. She didn’t particularly seem to mind us being there since we were not bothering her.
Then, the ducks arrived and took up swimming in the community pool we were working around.
Lastly, this big guy was seeking refuge from the firestorm we had (October 10, 2017).

Buck during firestorm 20171009_180900209