My Floor Was Soft!!! (a follow up post)

(continued from My Floor Is Soft)

What we found . . .

Bathroom repairsHere’s a follow-up on the post I did recently (see link above) showing a floor that was in real need of repair.  We found damage within the floor system and in the head wall of the tub/shower, plus in the wall adjacent to the toilet.

Now, here’s what we did to repair: took out the valve that was leaking in the head wall of the tub/shower; removed the rotted framing within the wall (had to open the other side of the Bathroom remodelingtiled head wall to replace the valve that was leaking, and more framing that was damaged); removed the bad wood of the sub-floor and reinforced with a wood hardener, then fiberglass wood filler to replace the rotted wood that we took out (the wood was sound except on the surface – we checked under the floor also, just to make sure); next we installed new underlay for the flooring; last was the vinyl flooring material.  Here the wall is repaired but the plumbing valve is not yet replaced.

Bathroom repairsSo, the sub- floor here is ready to cover back up.  We used particle board as it’s inexpensive, very flat and swells when it gets wet – a problem not uncommon, particularly in rentals.


here is the finished room

Bathroom remodelBath remodel
This is a client’s ranch style rental home so it’s also only a partial remodel to keep the costs down – typically these only get what’s needed actually done. We got the rotted material out of the room, re-plumbed the vanity sink and tub/shower, including under the floor, put new flooring and baseboard in and spruced up the painted surfaces a bit . . . ready for the next tenant.

Originally posted at: